Reading 500 Books – A Day in the Life

October 7, 2009 at 1:10 pm | Posted in Book Blather | 15 Comments

5:45 AM – Alarm goes off.  Morning routine includes carrying last night’s bedside book out to outgoing library stack.  Usually I prop up a book so I can get in a couple of pages while I put on my clothes.

6:30 AM – At bus stop.  It’s dark in the morning now so I keep a flashlight in my bag and read until the bus comes.

7:30 AM – At work, with maybe 25 pages under my belt.

11:45 AM – 30 minute lunch break, and maybe another 25 pages.

4:00 PM – Read until bus lets me off.

5:10 – 5:30 PM – Walk home from bus stop while reading.  Hope nobody will honk at me today, but who cares really?

5:30 – 6:30 PM – Go through mail, play with pets, do day’s housework.

6:30 – 7:00 PM – Family dinner.  No books at table.  (I cook on weekends, and my husband does MTW.  Thursdays we go out).

7 – 8 PM – Reading time.  My husband goes to garage to pound out replica coins, repair his suit of armor, or whatever mysterious project he has going on.

8 – 9 PM – Family reading hour.  Sometimes until 10.  This is only alternate weeks; the no-kid weeks I just read to myself.  The critters enjoy this time, too, and the parrot will even lean forward with her mouth open slightly in suspense.

9 – 11 PM – Reading time.

11:00 PM – Bedtime.  Read while flossing and brushing.  Luckily my husband falls asleep in seconds and is fine with me keeping the light on.  I read until I’m tired enough to drift off.  If I wasn’t a chronic childhood-onset insomniac, I might not be able to do this thing!

According to this, I read a minimum of six hours a day, not including FRH, when we read aloud maybe 10-20 pages a night.  On weekends I sleep in and basically read all day long, with occasional breaks between books to throw in a load of laundry, talk to my mom, or the like.

There are probably only three things I do differently than other people.  First, no TV.  Second, I keep my house as close to immaculate as possible, so it seems to maintain itself.  I’m extremely strict about everyone contributing, so I don’t have to waste my life cleaning up after anyone.  Third, I do read at times when someone else wouldn’t, like when I’m walking or brushing my teeth.  I officially endorse SoniCare.

The other thing is my social life.  I’m a recluse the majority of the time.  My household is set up so that we have designated times to hang out together without distractions, so nobody feels neglected.  Most of my friends are people I know from work, so I can visit with them from time to time during the workday.  Everyone knows I’m more or less useless with the phone and I don’t do e-mail or social networking more than a couple of times a month.  Sometimes I feel badly about this, but then I figure I’m not #1 on anyone’s BFF list anyway.  I’ll show up to visit someone in the hospital or help a friend move, but I tend to skip the daily check-ins.

I bring a book everywhere I go.  I will set aside certain books as inappropriate to be seen reading at work or on the bus.  I will also save very large volumes for home so I don’t have to lug them with me.  Often I have a separate book next to my bed that I read a few pages a night.

It’s weird.  I doubt, though, that I spend more time reading than a professional athlete spends training.  I’m sure I spend less time than a small business owner would put in on a startup company.  For me, my work as a secretary is just not enough to fill my days, so I read to add interest and challenge to my life.  With enough focus, a person can accomplish anything.


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  1. This is very impressive. We don’t have tv either (well, we do have a television, but only for dvds and videos – no cable, bunny ear antennas or satellite), so I don’t watch tv very often. But I find it hard to resist the allure of the Internet. I do read (or listen to an audiobook) while I’m brushing my teeth, though. The immaculate house thing would be tough to do around here …

  2. You wake up at 5.45? That alone would set me in a bad mood for everything including reading. I always thought I could manage my time well instead of cribbing that I don’t get enough time to read. But then I am a little social, I love to go out on weekends and meet friends. So my weekend reading time is very less.

    I love you schedule though. I will try to incorporate more reading time in mine 🙂

    • I feel I should say, here, that I am a night owl by nature. I absolutely loathe getting up early. It’s strictly a function of the poor bus service in my area. The only thing I would hate more than getting up so early would be to have to make car payments again!

  3. You’ve given me some good ideas about how to work in more reading.

  4. That’s amazing! I love this schedule. I have managed to cut out network television, but I admit, the main thing that pulls me away from books is Netflix. If I want to watch a TV show, I get it through them, typically. I’m so not an early adopter when it comes to shows, and I like to watch them straight through…but it’s a bit addictive.

  5. I’ve never thought of reading while I brush my teeth. That is actually something that I’ll try doing since I hate brushing my teeth and probably could do it longer.

    I’m a bit of a recluse myself, but there are so many things that I want to do to my house! I have home projects that I’m always working on or baking something in the winter or gardening in the summer. I usually read at night unwind and I read to my daughter every night before bed. I think I may be a bit scattered and find that my job is just getting in my way 🙂

    • Aha! I listen to audio books when I’m doing things around the house. I’ll save up a list of tasks, like mending, ironing, and pulling out charity donations, and set up the little boom box nearby. I also do bulk cooking, so I’ll play an audio book while making two or three pots of soup.

      I agree with you, though, that it would be a lot easier to read more if we didn’t have to work for a living!

  6. Sometimes I read while cooking, if it’s just a pot to stir. And I used to read while walking down the sidewalk. I don’t think I could read while brushing my teeth, though!

    • I do that, too. It really helps with risotto or anything else that needs constant stirring.

  7. I heart Sonicare too (and read while brushing my teeth)! Sadly, TV is my downfall… it’s just too hard to resist!

  8. My friends have started to complain that I’ve become a recluse, and I am not even approaching 500 books a year. Not even 200.

  9. I think my bigger problem than TV is the internet. I really only turn the TV on because the internet can’t hold my attention by itself.

  10. […] Here’s “how I did it” if you’re curious. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)The Question of […]

  11. See, the thing is you sleep 6 hours and you can read 25 pages in half an hour. I sleep 8 hours and I probably only read 10-15 pages in half an hour. 🙂 Thanks for the how-to, it’s interesting to know. I found your site from vivienne@Serendipity.

    • Take it from me – sleep is better. I’ll trade you!

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